
There are more exciting developments in the works for the Obsidian Series. In the meantime, all of you Mahk and Creators out there are invited to leave reviews at the links below. This will help spread the word, drum up even more excitement for the series, and possibly open up more opportunities.
Amazon - The Labyrinth Wall Review
Barnes & Noble - The Labyrinth Wall Review
Goodreads - The Labyrinth Wall Review
Price Spotlights:
If you've been waiting for a sale to grab a hard copy of The Labyrinth Wall, we've got exciting news. It is currently listed at $9.87 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
And finally, a note from the Author:
Hey everyone! This has been a roller-coaster couple of months. I'm so thrilled you have all joined me on the Obsidian Series journey and my heart is filled with more warmth than I can convey every time one of you tells me what The Labyrinth Wall means to you. Thank you all for your support and interest. There are more exciting updates to come that are baking behind the scenes. I can't wait to report back with more updates. Thank you all again.
Keep Imagining,
Obsidian Series
Luminous Words Press